Banff Pork Seminar 2014 Audio Special

Banff Pork Seminar 2014 Audio Special for January 24, 2014

Dr. Doug MacDougald, a veterinarian with Southwest Ontario Veterinary Services, discusses details of Canada's first confirmed case of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea found on a Middlesex County, Ontario farrow to finish operation and efforts to contain and eradicate the infection.
Feature Runs: 4:18

Jose Cardenas, an area director sales and marketing for Latin America with Elanco
USA, discusses the topic "Technology-The Vital Ingredient for Producing Efficient, Affordable and Abundant Food Globally."
Feature Runs: 9:05

Darcy Fitzgerald, the general manager of Alberta Pork, discusses the topic "Passion for Pork: Stimulating Pork Consumption."
Feature Runs: 9:34

Dr. Steve Meyer, the president of Paragon Economics discusses the topic "Global Economics Driving Canadian Production."
Feature Runs: 8:39

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